Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Here is another list of things I am excited about:

1. Katie was accepted into a law school!! Western New England College School of Law (I think I got that right...) in Massachusetts called her to let her know they were sending her an admissions packet and that they would also like to offer her about half the cost of tuition without any restrictions! WoooHooo!! My sister was accepted into law school ;) and they want to give her money.

2. Katie graduates June. I'm going to Ohio in June. Yay! I haven't been in the convo center since my own graduation. It will be nice to enter for yet another celebration.

3. We (Dave) found the microwave and the toaster oven. I can live without them, but life is nice with them. They were still in storage with the rest of our furniture.

4. The rest of our furniture arrived today. (Well Dave and my FIL moved it from storage to our house today really.) Yay!!

5. I have this weekend off! I might actually have time to put our house together and get some much needed rest and relaxation time. Wow.

6. I don't have to be at work on Monday until 5:30pm. I might actually get to spend most of the day with my husband. I was starting to forget what that might be like. (Ahhh, and the guilt sets in for whining about not seeing him when he is stateside. Oh the joys of knowing the trials a military wife faces. Hugs to my military wives...I still remember.)

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