Monday, January 26, 2009

It Feels Like Home

I've blogged numerous times about how "home" is a feeling to me and not a specific place. Home becomes relative once you move around a lot. The past few days Alabama has felt a bit more like home. Why? Because there is another Marine in the neighborhood! (And he has a fiance....who...wait for also from Ohio!!) A Marine moved back across the street on his terminal leave (yup, sounds terrible and according to the USMC terminal leave is terrible, it means you are leaving them!). He was a childhood friend of Dave's, they're almost like brothers. It has been great to have a fellow Marine (and his fiance) in the area. We have hung out two out of the past three nights. Dave and his buddy have been running through the woods "hunting" squirrels. The first day they found some and the second day it appears that the squirrels are on to them...not so much hunting fun this time around. Oh yay! Someone for Dave to go play in the dirt with and he'll leave me be lazy on the couch in peace. It's delightful. What have I learned from this? We will have to live near Marines forever now, lol.

In other news, the in-laws decided to go on a cruise to Mexico at the very last minute. There was a cancellation and they decided to go. I hope they have a wonderful time! They deserve a break. It doesn't hurt that Dave and I are home alone all week now. We will be busy working and he will be going to school too, but it sure is nice. I'm off to continue being lazy :)


Peapod Four said...

Please tell Dave that I have plenty of squirrels in my yard that he is more than welcome to come hunt down. Anytime.

Stephanie & Matt said...

OH ... a week alone? What will you do!?! Ahhaha. You're welcome back in Jacksonville anytime... ha.