Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Heartbreak Ridge & Guns

Heartbreak Ridge~I just love this movie. I love how it reflects life as a Marine, an example of life as a Marine's wife, the way Marines take care of their own, and the battle of "old" vs. "new" Corps. Dave and I went and had Chinese food last night, then we stopped by Wal-Mart to get ice cream and instead of renting a movie we decided to watch "Heartbreak Ridge" again. I don't think we have watched it since he has been back. I have been missing Marine life (shh don't tell Dave) and it was fun to watch the movie. I was actually impressed with myself and how much of the gear I recognized in the movie ("official" names and all) and the fact that even though they act like the movie is set in Camp Lejeune, NC (and to be accurate it should be set in NC) it was actually filmed somewhere West Coast.

Trip to the Gun Store~We traveled to the gun store today so that Dave could talk to one of the sales people to see how he had done refinishing a gun. Dave wants a gun of his refinished and wanted to see how the other guy's turned out before he starts doing it. We are looking down the aisles...taking inventory j/k...and Dave says "you should get a matching AK" (AK 47 for you non gun folk). "Ugh, sweetie what am I going to do with an AK?" His reply "shoot stuff." "So you want me to have a matching AK strapped to my back for when the end of the world comes?" His reply "yes, unless you want something with more distance." My response "I don't think I really need anything at the moment darling. " Then later on I was teasing him about getting a "military duffel bag" and asking whether he needed one (he has at least 3 seabags already). He said he didn't so then I asked if he needed another pack (like a backpack). He said that you never could have too many packs and maybe he should buy one. I said "and do what with it?" He said "you can carry it filled with my ammo." "Ugh, are you kidding me? I am NOT your packhorse sweetie and even just one box of ammo is heavy let alone a whole pack full. I refuse to carry your ammo pack and have an AK strapped to my back when the end of the world arrives."

Oh, the lives of Marine's duty or certainly isn't a boring life.

1 comment:

BrendaF said...

Uh, can ~I~ have an AK strapped to MY back when the end of the world arrives??