Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Sweet Husband

Do you know how much I love my husband? I do. A lot. Obviously, since I married him almost 4 years ago...can't believe it has been almost 4 years. Life has taken us many places since then and I look forward to the many other places it will take us in the future. (Maybe some places sooner than others...but that is another blog for another time.) I think when choosing a partner in crime er I mean a partner in life the selection process is sometimes daunting. You learn a lot along the way, but there are some tough lessons to learn as well. Luckily, those lessons guide you the rest of your life. I'm overjoyed to be married to Bivins and couldn't imagine life without him.

My husband, before he was my husband, probably had no idea what he was getting himself into with my family. The women of my family are a bit jaded about life in general although we try not to be, but it really seems inevitable at times. We are also staunchly independent from any man, but will if absolutely necessary call upon each other for help at any time of the day. We tend to be a bit critical of men in general and expect the worst from them. Secretly we hope for the best, but are not surprised when disappointed by them. My husband could probably go on and on and on about the crazy Frantz women, but being one of them I am oblivious to some of our insanity. My husband has survived the Frantz women and even managed to thrive among them. No small feat for sure. I distinctly recall a car ride during his first ever visit to the Frantz compound in which he was sitting in the backseat sandwiched between two Frantz women and there were to Frantz women up front -all talking at top speed in our own Frantz women language and he scrunches down, covers his ears, and starts rocking back n forth. (Mind you he was used to being surrounded by Marines 24/7 no girls allowed, lol.) Now 4 years later he feels like he has some wisdom to bestow upon males venturing into relationships with Frantz women...

His first comment was "dating a Frantz as your first girlfriend is like never having a cat and deciding to get a tiger."

His next comment was "you better know what you are getting yourself into and be able to deal with it because there is no 1-800-fix-a-Frantz."

I think he had a few other comments, but I was laughing so hard at these I couldn't hear him. My family loves this man almost as much as I do. He is my sisters' brother not brother-in-law. They rely on him just like they rely on me. I think maybe I am heeding my mother's advice to me on my wedding day...

Show them what a ~fabulous~ thing it can be when two people truly love and care for each other and want only the best for each other. Show them how to work through the difficulties and challenges that go along with “living with a boy”!! Show them that you can commit to someone and not lose sight of your own dreams and goals. Show them that you can retain your own identity while making your way as a couple with common goals. I’m counting on you to show them how to do this the ~right~ way; I’m counting on you to show them that you can make mistakes and forgive each other. I’m counting on you to show them that as long as a couple doesn’t lose respect for each other they can face anything. Don’t lower the standards; continue to strive for excellence for your sisters to see.

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